Hi, my name is

Herberth Leão.

I solve problems using

I'm a software developer focused on back-end, information security and open source. Moved by music, lover of science and defender of freedom. I like learning new things all the time and using them to deal with new challenges.


A little about myself

I started studying programming as a self-taught student at the age of 12, when I discovered my interest in computing and my desire to work with software. Since then, I have been improving my knowledge through books, training, technology events and open source communities. After a few years of working in the market, I developed a strong enthusiasm for Information Security, which I have invested in and applied as a fundamental aspect in the projects I build. Focusing on back-end, I have a constant need to learn.

Currently, I mostly develop web projects, using different technologies in back-end services, such as RESTful APIs; as well as front-end libraries and frameworks in applications that consume such services. In addition to technologies, I use principles, good practices, design and architectural patterns, linked to solution testing methods. I seek personal and professional evolution through new and challenging experiences in the process of building safe and efficient software.

Below are the main languages, frameworks and databases I use:


Talk To Me

I like exchanging ideas on different topics. If you want to share a curiosity, or even praise, criticize or suggest something about my work, feel free to get in touch.